Welcome To Bitch STOP - The Real European Hitchhikers

Riding a car along Czech roads is an adventure you will never forget. No other country in the world has so many horny “damsels in distress” who will do anything for a free ride. They may be amateurs, but they all know how to make you happy. JOIN BITCH STOP and let’s enjoy our wild adventures together! Hitting on girls has never been this much fun!

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Bitch STOP 051 - Lenka 5

Lenka 5
Lenka 5
Hey guys and welcome to the bitch stop number fifty one! This time I have a real treat for you. It’s been a while since I managed to score a beautiful horny blonde with amazing long legs, perfect body who loves to fuck and swallow. Yeah, you read that right – this one actually swallows! And how did I meet her? This time I decided to change my approach and went to look for a girl...
Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5 Lenka 5

Bitch STOP 050 - Marcela 2

Marcela 2
Marcela 2
Time to celebrate boys and girls, your favorite site managed to score fiftieth girl picked on the street! That’s right – welcome to BitchStop number fifty! To be honest when we started this site, we had no idea we would make this many people happy (and girls wet). But we did and intent on doing so even further. After all – cruising Czech roads in search of gullible prey has...
Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2 Marcela 2

Bitch STOP 049 - Lenka 4

Lenka 4
Lenka 4
Evelyn is a 25 years old girl with morals that easily bend when she feels like getting something for free. And that is good, because otherwise we wouldn’t show her to you today. Welcome to brand new episode of Bitch Stop! So what do we have for you this time? Well take a look at pictures around and you’ll see a beautiful young girl with great smile and wonderful breasts. I...
Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4 Lenka 4

Bitch STOP 048 - Hana 2

Hana 2
Hana 2
Another week and fresh new catch – that’s the way we are rolling lately on BitchStop! Lately it seems a lot of horny girls are coming our way and we are more than happy to share what we score. And it seems it’s getting easier and easier to get them to spread those pretty legs of theirs. As for me – I can’t complain. It saves money and time wasted trying to...
Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2 Hana 2

Bitch STOP 047 - Jana 6

Jana 6
Jana 6
Hi guys and welcome to a brand new episode of Mature Fucking! Wait, that’s not right, is it? Oh right, this is Bitch Stop! OK than, welcome to a brand new episode of fucking girls who are naive enough to enter our car! Yeah, that seems about right. Anyway what have we for you this time? Actually today is a little bit different than the usual stuff we go for, but what is life without...
Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6 Jana 6

Bitch STOP 046 - Eveline Neill

Eveline Neill
Eveline Neill
Today, I have a real treat for you. That is if you like dark haired beauties with amazing body and face you would kill for. It was weekend and I took my friend on a fishing trip. Yes, I have more hobbies than just fucking hitchhikers (though that one’s my favorite of course). We had all necessary things ready in the trunk of my car and were pretty excited about it. Our original plan...
Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill Eveline Neill

Bitch STOP 045 - Nikola 5

Nikola 5
Nikola 5
Welcome to a fresh new episode of Lost! I’m just kidding. But I really was lost when I met this cute blonde. I was on my way to a garden colony for barbecue but I couldn’t find that damned place. It looked so easy on the map but it seemed I was circling around for like forever and still no closed to my goal. GPS was of no use at all. Eventually I decided to just ask directions. I...
Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5 Nikola 5

Bitch STOP 044 - Radka 4

Radka 4
Radka 4
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for a fresh new episode of our adventures. Weather is slowly improving here in Czech and thanks to that it’s getting much easier to find a pretty girl in dire need of our services. By that I mean both giving her lift and fucking her thoroughly afterwards. So how did we manage to score this young thing you see on surrounding...
Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4 Radka 4

Bitch STOP 043 - Andrea

Hi guys and welcome to Bitch stop number forty three! That’s right – only a week later and we already have something new to show you. This time it’s a chick that puts the word “bitch” to shame. I and a friend were returning from a visit and we took a wrong turn somewhere. Damn GPS and its “shortest route” settings. It lead us straight to nowhere and...
Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea

Bitch STOP 042 - Kristyna 5

Kristyna 5
Kristyna 5
Welcome to a Bitch Stop number 42! Man, do we get a lot of pussies lately. But I suppose you want to hear more about the new girl I met, than reading about me being such a great charmer, right? Well believe it or not, but I was looking to score some nice young thing at a swimming area I never visited before. Some of my friends told me that place is just swarming with eligible young girls...
Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5 Kristyna 5