Welcome To Bitch STOP - The Real European Hitchhikers

Riding a car along Czech roads is an adventure you will never forget. No other country in the world has so many horny “damsels in distress” who will do anything for a free ride. They may be amateurs, but they all know how to make you happy. JOIN BITCH STOP and let’s enjoy our wild adventures together! Hitting on girls has never been this much fun!

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Bitch STOP 020 - Adela 2

Adela 2
Adela 2
Punk's not dead, punk lives! That could very well be headline of our new adventure. This fresh catch isn't just some hillbily chick from forgetville, but special hen from punk village. So what - no account for the taste, right? Me and my friend decided to check nearby bikers party. Figured a lot of horny pretty girls would hang around a place like that. What we didn't expected...
Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2 Adela 2

Bitch STOP 019 - Michala

Easter holiday came. Great time to play catch and cum with some pretty hitchhiker. Maybe I’ll let her find my...ehm...prince Edward. As always, we rode Czech roads in hope of finding some easy catch, equiped with high spirit, good mood and a lots of „milt“. We managed to find two pretty girls only after few unsuccesful attempts. Both were realy cute and ready to accept our...
Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala Michala

Bitch STOP 018 - Monca

Hello to all horny boys and aroused girls, we’re back again with yet another capital catch a we do hope, you’ve been saving yourself for us! This time, we met distinctive young miss, already pre-prepared for our cunning methods of seduction. How so? Well, when we found her, she was pretty drunk. Reason for her drinking was unsuccesful school exam. Damn, I wish I knew what school...
Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca Monca

Bitch STOP 017 - Petra

Easter holiday came. Great time to play catch and cum with some pretty hitchhiker. Maybe I’ll let her find my...ehm...prince Edward. As always, we rode Czech roads in hope of finding some easy catch, equiped with high spirit, good mood and a lots of „milt“. We managed to find two pretty girls only after few unsuccesful attempts. Both were realy cute and ready to accept our...
Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra Petra

Bitch STOP 016 - Zuzka 2

Zuzka 2
Zuzka 2
Do you get bored by daily stereotypes? I sure do. That’s why I recently told myself, it’s time to change our approach and try our catching in a different way. Instead of the usual stop this bitch – fuck that bitch – leave that bitch, I chose to find a „qualified“ work force. If you think of those world famous walkers, usualy to be seen on sidelines of...
Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2 Zuzka 2

Bitch STOP 015 - Unknown

Well friends, so what do you think? Can winter stop great guys like us in our tracks or not? The answer is – it barely slow us down! After couple of dry months, when catching a decent chick was a rare sight for us, weather itself brought us a nice change of pace. Couple of days ago, we encountered a nice little lady in despair. Her car broke out and what a wonder – she had no...
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Bitch STOP 014 - Lucka 3

Lucka 3
Lucka 3
After a long dry period, we finaly managed do get a very nice catch. Therefore we bring you video filled with beautiful girls, interesting plot twists and thrilling gunfights! Or not.How about one cute and horny hitchhiker? When we saw that cute chick, it was realy nasty outside a I didn’t even expected to see something of interest that day. We had no luck during past cold months and I...
Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3 Lucka 3

Bitch STOP 013 - Ivca

Although unbelievable, we finaly bring you our long promised video. As we already said, this bad boy had to be pulled from our archive (which we like to call fuckive). Reason why we can’t bring you any fresh catch is simple – girls don’t realy show that much during winter season and to actualy find a decent looking hitchhiker is almost impossible. And even if you find...
Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca Ivca

Bitch STOP 012 - Simona

It was saturday afternoon and autumn still didn’t realize, that weather should cool down a bit. Since me and Karel promised our friend to help him with preparation for a smaller party later that day, we went on our way soon after lunch. As always, we packed camera just in case something would happen. I thought it could be nice to catch some pretty hitchhiker, lure her to our party...
Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona Simona

Bitch STOP 011 - Zuzka

This time I have very unusual video for you. For several reasons. One of my friends talked me recently into letting him try and maybe even tape some scene on his own. I thought: „Why not? Life needs change and it could be fun.“ And it sure was. One day he and my colleague vent on a very short trip on Czech roads. Even though he’s just a beginner, he had pretty good luck and...
Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka Zuzka
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