Welcome To Bitch STOP - The Real European Hitchhikers

Riding a car along Czech roads is an adventure you will never forget. No other country in the world has so many horny “damsels in distress” who will do anything for a free ride. They may be amateurs, but they all know how to make you happy. JOIN BITCH STOP and let’s enjoy our wild adventures together! Hitting on girls has never been this much fun!

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Bitch STOP 031 - Monika

Boys and girls, I’m reporting back with a new awesome experience to share with you all. Just like always, I had my camera turned on during one of my daily trips. As you can hear at the beginning I had a vry good modd. I hope you don’t mind my „singing“. After letting some high speeding old lady (yeah, you read that right) to get ahead of me, I noticed a cute young...
Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika

Bitch STOP 029 - Veronika 2

Veronika 2
Veronika 2
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, we're back! It didn't take long and here we are with yet another awesome catch we managed to hunt down on bumpy Czech roads. When I first met her, it was raining heavily and I felt as if I was in one of Bradbury' short stories from another world. Just like every time I go out trying to find some horny missus who would spread her tiny legs for...
Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2 Veronika 2

Bitch STOP 028 - Nikola

Hello boys and girls, it’s time for yet another wild adventure on your favorite site Bitch Stop! This time I can safely say, I managed to score a real treat. This girl is so hot you will likely drool on your tables. I decided to try my luck on a train station and picked the loneliest looking girl. While pretending I’m making a documentary about Czech train services I tried to...
Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola Nikola

Bitch STOP 027 - Katerina

Hey guys, how are you? It’s been a while since we last showed you anything new and we’re sorry about it, but you know how it is – sometimes it rains, sometimes it’s a dry season. At least we can present you with new fresh catch and it’s a pretty good one! We got pretty lucky, when we met this girl. She just went to visit her grandma’ on her bicycle and...
Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina Katerina

Bitch STOP 026 - Eva

Damn, it’s hot. It’s so hot, my ass is sweaty, and my balls are sticky! On the other hand, it also means pretty girls wearing miniskirts will decorate outside streets. Thank god we don’t live in islamic country – at least we have something to look at! No wonder those dudes always look so serious, if all they ever get to see are weird statures wearing those ridiculous...
Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva Eva

Bitch STOP 025 - Misa

Summer was nearing its end and we decided to make the most of it. There was a county fair in our city, so we thought of catching some pretty young prey over there. Unfortunately we arrived too early at afternoon and there was almost nothing to choose from. For a second, I thought of asking one nearby fatty, but then I noticed a kid right next to her, so thankfuly that didn’t happen....
Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa Misa

Bitch STOP 024 - Preggy

Be prepared! Be ready! Be horny! I never went to scout, but ever since I began taping my escapades with hitchhikers, I stick to those rules as firmly, as tick sticks to scrotum. It comes in handy - you never know, when you'll get lucky. I met this chick just recently (beginning of spring). A friend of mine asked me to pick up one of his acquaintances and give her a ride to Jihlava. My...
Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy Preggy

Bitch STOP 023 - Lenka 2

Lenka 2
Lenka 2
When we made this video, summer already approached its end and drizzly autumn kept knocking on the door. It was one of our last chances to find and hump some decent chick while it's still nice weather. After couple recent failures we chose to try unusual approach and simply go straight to business. A bit of courage goes a long way. Waiting near bathing pool payed off and soon enough...
Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2 Lenka 2

Bitch STOP 022 - Veronika

Here we go boys and girls. Barely even noticed the nice weather and it's suddenly gone - faster then money from faulty trust funds. While brown leafes are falling and nips are nipping, miniskirts are slowly disappearing from our streets and get replaced by unshapely jackets, which make our search for the ultimate catch all the more difficult. So much, in fact, that it's been a long...
Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika Veronika

Bitch STOP 021 - Verca

Guys, why lie to ourself - summer is awsome! Pretty young girls appear on the streets, wearing miniskirts that reveal every interested man, what he can expect in night. It's not winter terror, when you just don't know, what you'll unpack from all those layers of jackets. It often carries a nasty surprise. That's why I like summer so much. I went with my friends to bathing...
Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca Verca